Hi Team!
This is Gautam, tech writer for the JCompare project.
When Tushar put forward the idea, I immediately jumped to it. The reasons were:
- Collaborative approach: At work-place, we work with a team that is physically localised. However, reading the blogs of some of the top tech writers has convinced me that in future, we would be working on projects in which the developers, testers & tech writers would be located in different countries or even continents. JCompare will teach me how to manage this.
- Freedom to experiment: At work-place, we are bound by client guidelines in document structure and formatting. Moreover, tight deadlines leave little scope for experimentation. JCompare would give me an opportunity to try different approaches and tools.
- Wiki & blog: I feel that a wiki + blog-based approach has immense potential for product development (& documentation), since it allows users to directly get in touch with the team and share their inputs, feedback and criticism.
I know Tushar & Chandrakant personally. Welcome aboard, Rajath! Your blog looks interesting. I look forward to more articles.